Affiliate Marketing Training Course requirements

Are you interested to know more about affiliate marketing, maybe you want to know the best way to get started and learn the affiliate marketing basics, identify mistakes to avoid in affiliate marketing or simply you want to get the best training available in the market? Then you are in the right place and your search ends here. We shall learn the affiliate marketing basics, how to identify a good Affiliate marketing training course and offer some free lessons to start with.


Learn The Affiliate Marketing Basics

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is an online business that enables an individual or company to gain income by promoting other people’s products and services, either through an affiliate network (e.g. CJ or Clickbank)  or through the company’s affiliate program.

In simpler terms, it is a marketing arrangement whereby an online retailer pays a commission to an external party (mostly using an affiliate website or a social media platform like Facebook)  for traffic or affiliate sales generated from its referrals. The external website that drives traffic is known as affiliate or publisher while the retailer also known as merchant

The affiliate does not own the products but directs others to buy it and in return gets a commission when there is an affiliate sale. The retailer benefits by selling more products while the consumer gets free reviews and information about the products before buying. It’s a win-win situation.

That simply means that there is a minimum of four parties involved to complete this chain

  • Merchant – This is the retailer who owns the products or services being sold.
  • Affiliate – This is the individual or company that promotes products or services from the merchant, and gets paid for it in terms of commission.
  • Customer – This is the entity that is interested in buying the products or services from the merchant.
  • Affiliate network or program – This is the platform used by the affiliate to promote and track the sale of merchants products and get paid. There are dozens of them in the market to choose from with different commission percentage.


This means you as an affiliate you will be targeting to drive traffic straight to your website or app with the expectation that your visitors will select some products from your site which will translate into commission for you.

Take action to earn

How does Affiliate Marketing works

Here is how you can start affiliate marketing in 5 easy steps:

  1. Identify a product or service that can help your audience achieve some goals.
  2. Join an affiliate program.
  3. You will be given a unique affiliate link to use by the program in step 2.
  4. Start sharing the link on your site via Social media, Blog, YouTube videos, Facebook ads or any other acceptable form
  5. When a visitor makes a purchase, you earn an affiliate commission.


Not a get rich quick plan

Am sure you have seen videos or adverts all over the internet telling you how you can make millions by copy-pasting or just in 10 minutes. Affiliate marketing is not a get rich quick means to earn, but it surely its a very reliable way to make yourself an extra living, or even to make a full-time job.

It’s not rocket science either but you need skills to be able to do the right thing and reach your goal. Here we are going to connect you to the right community of over 1 million people from all over the world geared towards perfecting affiliate marketing skills.


I started researching about affiliate marketing in 2015 when registered with several programs. If I had known and started with the right program at first, it would have saved me a lot of time and money which I lost during my search.

After some few months of loses and no results I quite, only to come back later and after reading a post on affiliate success. I have never looked back since then.

That is why I decided to write this article to help those wishing to start and save them from huge loses, shoddy courses and gold-rush scams. I want to save your time and help become successful in affiliate marketing.

If that is you then continue reading this article to the end.


A good characteristic of a successful affiliate marketer is 


never give up


Understanding affiliate marketing for beginners

First, let’s start with some internet statistics; (Source: Statista)

There are 4.5 billion active internet users in the world by May 2020

about 4 billion among them are unique mobile phone users and

3.8 billion active social media users

This is a huge market place for making a sale and with thousands of products to promote. Take note of mobile users which is a major opportunity


What do you do when you want to buy a new laptop or car or any other product when you don’t have enough information?


Most people start by researching from the internet before buying a product or service. Once they find the right information, they can then proceed to buy at selected sites.

There you are, as an affiliate marketer, you will be targeting those in search of information and various products and redirect them to the source.

Great News!!

The great news is that you can do this all by yourself and with the following benefits;

using laptop comfort

  • Work From the comfort of your home 
  • No extra space needed
  • Be your boss
  • Learn at your own pace
  • No need to own product or stock to be able to sell
  • Earn Passive income 
  • No consumer support required

There is enough proof that affiliate marketing can bring great success to many people and some like Pat Flynn and John Chow are some names that make more than USD50,000 per month (source Quora, Bloggers Ideas, from affiliate products only.


What do I need to start Affiliate Marketing

  1. Internet connection – Its online business so surely you need to be connected to the internet.
  2. Area of interest – You needs to identify your area of interest that you shall be promoting on the internet. However, you can always learn new skills and start promoting new products, it all about your decision. This is important since some areas are not good for beginners since they can take very long before you start seeing some fruits. It’s from this area that you shall get your niche. ( to be learnt later in the free lessons)
  3. Skills – No special skills are required, as long as you get a good trainer. Today most activities like website building have become so simple that you can do them in a matter of minutes. I cannot forget the way I was excited to finish my first site without prior experience, it was such a great moment.
  4. Good Affiliate Marketing Training Course – Affiliate marketing training is paramount to your success. I will highlight 9 features to look for in a good program.


Affiliate Marketing Training Course Characteristics

Is training that important?

Affiliate marketing is not the kind of activities that you should not start without adequate training especially in this era when this field has developed and evolved to a great length, with high competition.

Trying to do affiliate marketing on your own is likely to lead to a lot of frustration and discouragement or even giving up completely, especially when you go for some months without making achievements.

Jumping into this sea alone can lead to a lot of capital loss in terms of time and money, this is something that I have personally experienced.

Learning about affiliate marketing should be continuous but its good to get a good platform to start with.


Learn The Affiliate Marketing Basics

Characteristics of a Good Affiliate Marketing Course

After using several affiliate training platforms, I concluded that for a course to be effective it should have the following features included;

  1. Step by step layout from the most basic to advance stage

The training manuals should be laid out in such a manner that it allows you to take one step at a time and progress to the very end. It should be easier for beginners by starting with easy and basic tasks and introduce advanced ones gradually.

It should allow for easy navigation either backwards for review or forward for more experienced marketers.

2. Good support system – should be fast and available always

Often as a beginner, you are likely to get stuck and this is where you need immediate help. The support system should be available 24/7. A system without good support can easily make a beginner drop out due to frustration.

3. Free version available for testing purposes

Its good to be able to test the training platform without paying anything to evaluate its suitability. Mostly free versions are not very detailed and you may need to pay at one time to get into the real stuff.

4. Good reviews from users

Check and ensure that the majority of existing users are satisfied with the service provided. Please note that it’s not possible to get a 100% perfect platform, but you should not settle into a platform that is an outright scam knowingly.

5. Platform to be used to take action as you learn

Although you can choose to get training from one platform and practice in another, for a beginner it’s good to have all in one platform since it will be easier to navigate and you are likely to get a good deal.

6. Affordable rates or option to get lower rates

Sometimes it can even take more than 4 months of work before you start getting any revenue from your site. For this reason, its good to start with affordable platforms that offer value for your money.

Don’t go for the cheapest option either since some will leave you half-backed and you will need to go to other sources to join the missing dots.

The training materials will also be relevant for their when referring to their platform and it will be easy when asking queries.

7. Should include both videos and text

Human beings learn better from visuals more than text. A good training platform should include both just in case you are not interested with one.

8. Should deliver as promised

They should not deliver heaven and only to deliver hell or earth. If the deal is too good think twice. Remember Affiliate marketing is not easy money and its not a get rich overnight you need to work for it.

9. Easy to set up and user-friendly platform

The platform should be easy to set up and navigate from one level to another. It should also have a tracker to help you keep track of your progress.

10. Should have regular updates

Rules of the game keep on being updated and new tools immerge every day. It is good to be informed about the latest trends from the market best practice and avoid outdated courses.

11. Personal coach

The work of a personal coach is to monitor your progress and push you towards your success. This may not be included in most platforms but it can be a great tool especially if you are new to an idea.



Mistakes to avoid in affiliate marketing – Bonus

  • Failure to take action– The biggest mistake you can do is to research and not start. Go ahead put your knowledge into action as you continue to learn to watch as your earning starts to rise.
  • Giving up – I cannot count the number of times I felt like throwing my laptop away but choose to hold on to the very end. Be patient as you start your journey, it will take time to get your first affiliate sale.
  • Enrolling in a dubious training course – Select the training program that has helped others to succeed and you will be on the right channel.
  • Getting discouraged by big terms – The first time I heard about the niche and I couldn’t understand felt like it was the end of it all
  • Avoid mistakes made by others – Learn from others past mistakes and avoid them. e.g. Avoid the get rich quick scams and be safe.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions – Ask questions to your trainer and other colleagues and be ready to learn. There is nothing like a foolish question, make sure you have all the information that you need. You can start by asking your first question here.


Final Thought on Affiliate Marketing Training Course

While there are many worthless training courses out there, there are also some good ones and I am going to identify some and I will keep updating this list as time continues. Avoid the making mistakes that I did and start your journey one step ahead.

Best Free Affiliate Marketing Course

My number one suggestions are:

  1. Wealthy Affiliate University. Get hosting service, keyword search tool and 20 free lessons in one platform   (Best for beginners without prior knowledge or any tools available at hand)
  2. The SPI Guide to Ethical Affiliate Marketing  – Get a free training course from one of the most successful affiliate marketers Pat Flynn. He also has an advance course for one time paid fee of USD699. (You need to identify the right tools to use when you want to take action. Have basic but in-depth knowledge about affiliate marketing.)
  3. SEO Unlocked: Get advanced 7 weeks of  SEO training from SEO guru Neil Patel

The above two affiliate marketing courses are very different in the way they present their materials and that’s why I highly recommend them both. I will continue updating the list as I use and evaluate others since I only recommend tools that I have personally used and found to be helpful.)

Start by taking action and get your first 20 lessons for free, Learn with experts and you will become one

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4 years ago

Great post

I agree with what you are saying here,
I affiliate marketing is not a get rich scheme and it will be frustrating if you do not have a good team behind you. I am talking from personal experience.
Find a training that works is vital for long term goal achovement

Reply to  Thabo
4 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to comment.
Affiliate marketing through offers passive income, it requires one to work smart for success.

4 years ago

What an extensive post on affiliate marketing course! This is a well detailed and easy to follow information to use in affiliate marketing. I feel super charged reading especially about the Wealthy Affiliate training course. Its the best training platform in the online world that doesn’t only make promises but also delivers too via their fantastic training and easy to reach out support from the community. I highly recommend it to everybody out there who are serious about making money… Read more »

Reply to  Habib
4 years ago

You are right, WA training is well organized and detailed.
Wishing you all the best.

4 years ago

Great post! I have been in affiliate marketing for over 15 years now and it is a great way to make an income. It does take a lot of focus and the ability to stay motivated but as you mentioned the best skill to have is to not give up. I think too many join with the “get rich quick” mentality and therefore they aren’t successful. Thanks for the info and the tips!

Reply to  Melissa
4 years ago

Welcome and thanks for your time and valuable input.
The get rich mentality comes from overhyped internet promotions with fake data.
There is no easy money and one must work for it.
Wishing you all the best